To authorize the Floop application inside of Canvas, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Canvas admin panel
  2. Go to the Dashboard
  3. Click on "Admin"
  4. Click on the correct Canvas instance
  5. Click on "Developer Keys"
  6. Click on "+Developer Key"
  7. Click on "+LTI Key"
  8. Add a Key name
  9. Under "Configure" and "Method" select "Enter URL"
  10. Paste "" into "JSON URL"
  11. Click on "Save"
  12. Return to "Developer Keys"
  13. On the new Key, under "State" select "ON"
  14. Copy/Note clientId under details, the long string of numbers above “Show Key”
  15. Click on "Settings"
  16. Click on "Apps"
  17. Click on "+App"
  18. Select "By Client ID" from "Configuration Type"
  19. Paste the clientId from step 14 above
  20. Click on "Submit"
  21. Click "install" on pop up