To authorize the Floop application inside of Canvas, follow these steps:
- Log into the Canvas admin panel
- Go to the Dashboard
- Click on "Admin"
- Click on the correct Canvas instance
- Click on "Developer Keys"
- Click on "+Developer Key"
- Click on "+LTI Key"
- Add a Key name
- Under "Configure" and "Method" select "Enter URL"
- Paste "" into "JSON URL"
- Click on "Save"
- Return to "Developer Keys"
- On the new Key, under "State" select "ON"
- Copy/Note clientId under details, the long string of numbers above “Show Key”
- Click on "Settings"
- Click on "Apps"
- Click on "+App"
- Select "By Client ID" from "Configuration Type"
- Paste the clientId from step 14 above
- Click on "Submit"
- Click "install" on pop up