This feature is for teachers and students.

Teachers and students can sign up and log in through Clever. When teachers use Floop with Clever, all their classes and rosters will be synced upon login and on demand.

Add Floop to Clever

Add Clever to Floop through the Clever Library

  1. Either search for Floop through Clever, or go directly to the library app page:

  1. Click Install

Sign up with Clever

Both Teachers and Students can sign up with Clever to create a Floop account. When signing up through Clever, you’ll be asked if you want to create a brand new Floop account or merge with an existing one.

Teachers who link with Clever accounts will have the following data pulled into Floop on every sync:

  • First and last name

  • Email

Students who link with Clever accounts will have the following data pulled into Floop on every sync:

  • First name

  • First initial of last name

  1. Click Sign up

    1. From Clever: Click the Floop button on your page

Note: If you’re a student, your teacher needs to add Clever to a page shared with you in order to Sign up

  1. From Floop: Agree to the terms of use by clicking the checkbox, then click Sign up with Cle

  2. A new window will open and you’ll be given the option to either create a new Floop account, or to merge with an existing one

  1. If you choose to merge, you’ll be asked to sign in with your existing Floop account credentials. 

  1. After logging in as an existing user, you’ll be asked to select and confirm the email you wish to associate with your Floop account.

  1. You are now signed up for Floop and your account is linked with Clever!

Log in with Clever

Once you sign up with Clever, you can log in with Clever. Students who were signed up for Floop by their teacher through a Clever Sync will be asked if they want to merge with an existing Floop account before logging in.

From Clever: Click the Floop button on your page

From Floop: Click Log in with Clever

Sync with Clever

When you sync with Clever, the following happens:

  • Any new course sections you teach are added to Floop as classes

  • Any course sections you no longer teach are removed from your list of Floop classes (or deleted if you were the only teacher)

  • If you will have over 10 active classes at the end of the sync, classes will be automatically archived for you, starting with non-Clever classes, then Clever classes that aren’t co-taught, then any remaining Clever classes, until you’re at the 10 active class limit

  • All students within each course section have accounts provisioned for them. Students can then Log in with Clever and merge with an existing Floop account if they choose


                    Floop classes created through Clever have the following restrictions:

  • They can’t be deleted

  • Co-teachers can’t be added

  • Students can’t be enrolled through bulk enroll or with an enroll code

  • The title and period of the class can’t be changed

If you want to do any of the above, you must go through Clever. E.g. changing a course section title in Clever will change the associated Clever class name upon the next Clever sync.

To sync, do the following:

  1. Log in with Clever as a teacher

  2. On the dashboard, click the Sync with Clever button

Note: If you don't see the Sync with Clever button, go to Profile > Integrations, then click Log in with Clever to activate your integration

  1. Wait for the sync to finish


Why can’t I change my first or last name from Floop?

This change would be overridden any time you log in or sync with Clever. To change your name, you’ll need to do that from Clever’s end

Can I merge with a Floop account that is already linked to another Clever account?

Not at this time

Can I choose which classes I want to sync?

Not at this time

I can only see the first initial of the last name of my students, is there a way to change this?

We are currently working on a feature to edit student names

An error happens any time I try to sync

                  Please create a new support ticket with a screenshot of the error you’re getting